
The production of a medal for the Maryland Triennial Meeting began a practice that was followed for five of six subsequent Triennial Meetings, with the exception of the one held in 1917 at Asheville, North Carolina, during the first World War. Each State Society acting as host to the General Society at Triennial meetings had struck a commemorative medal, there being now medals of widely different designs in this series.

The Triennial of 1920 was held in Exeter, New Hampshire, the General Society being entertained by the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Hampshire. To commemorate the occasion the New Hampshire Society struck a bronze medal (Hume #9).

Hume 9

Medal Commemorating the Meeting
of the General Society of the Cincinnati
in Exeter, New Hampshire, 1920.
(Obverse). Hume #9.

Hume 9

Medal Commemorating the Meeting
of the General Society of the Cincinnati
in Exeter, New Hampshire, 1920.
(Reverse). Hume #9.

41mm. Bronze.

The 1920 Triennial medal measures 1-5/8 inches in diameter, and is 1/8-inch in thickness. The obverse bears the Eagle of the Cincinnati, above which are thirteen stars in a semi-circle, and below on a scroll the words: Esto Perpetua. At the margin of the obverse, separated from the center of the medal by a circle, is the legend: Societas Cincinnatorum, Neo Hantoniensis, and, below, in smaller letters: Instituta A. D. 1783 . The reverse has a wreath of oak leaves. Within the wreath is the inscription: Commemorating The Meeting of the General Society of the Cincinnati at Exeter New Hampshire June 17 1920.

The medal was designed by Captain William Lithgow Willey of the New Hampshire Cincinnati, and was struck by the firm of N. G. Wood & Son, of Boston. Copies were, as in the case of other Triennial medals, presented the officers, delegates and alternates at the meeting, and to a few other interested members. A commemorative medal pin was also issued for the 1920 Triennial Meeting, shown below.

Hume 9b

1920 Triennial Meeting Pin
(Obverse). Hume #9b.

31mm. Gilt bronze.

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