[Ealge with Flag]

Most able-bodied men were encouraged to enroll in the various state militia as there was an inherent opposition to maintain a standing army.  These militias were, in the main, poorly trained and ill-equipped with little organization.  It was ordered that early militias be armed with a pike and short sword, and if available, a pistol.  It is doubtful whether they were ever carried in action and used against the British regulars, muskets and rifles from various sources being provided.

Most were clothed in their normal everyday civilian dress and were well versed in the use of firearms from a very early age, not only as a defense against Indians, but to provide food for the table.  It was there early farmers-cum-militiamen, or "Minute Men" who fired the first shots against the regular British troops starting the hostilities known as the War of Independence or  the American Revolution.

[SOURCE:  R. J. Marrion.  Fellow of The Company of Military Historians of America.  Uniforms of the American War of Independence.  A series of 24 collector cards.  Victoria Gallery, London, England. 1992.]

American Militiaman

American Militiaman -- 1775

[SOURCE: Uniforms of the American War of Independence. A series of 24 collector cards.  Illustration by R. J. Marrion.  Fellow of The Company of Military Historians of America.  Victoria Gallery, London, England.  1992.]

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