[Ealge with Flag]

The Fifth Foot, later known as the Northumberland Fusiliers, was on service in America, 1774-1778. The uniform and equipment shown is that in which the Regiment fought at Bunker Hill, the campaigns of 1776, and 1777.

The entire Regiment wore the bearskin cap shown in the drawing, the Grenadier Company being distinguished from those of the Battalion only by their match-boxes on their cross-belts, and their cutlass or side-arm.

In winter their dress was the same with exception of heavy brown cloth gaiters, while on service, and long black canvas gaiters with small white tops, reaching above the knee, for parades and ceremonies. Overcoats or greatcoats were not issued at this period to the men except while on guard duty in cold or bad weather.

Grenadier Company, Fifth Regiment of Foot, 1776

Grenadier Company, Fifth Regiment of Foot, 1776

[SOURCE: Uniforms of the Armies in the War of the American Revolution, 1775-1783. Lt. Charles M. Lefferts. Limited Edition of 500. New York York Historical Society. New York, NY. 1926.]

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